The repair of DNA strand breaks and the effect on the cell survival after cold treatment or combined treatment with cold+irradiation was investigated in two strains of murine L5178Y lymphoma cells. Cold treatment alone had a slight and similar effect on the survival of L5178Y-R and L5178Y-S cells. No effect of cooling was found on the repair of DNA strand breaks. When L5178Y-R and L5178Y-S cells were cold-treated for various time intervals before irradiation with 2 Gy roentgen rays a slight gradual decrease of survival was found, a little more marked in L5178Y-S cells. No effects on the rejoining of DNA strand breaks could be seen. When the cells were first irradiated and then cold-treated the survival data showed that combined treatment gives slightly less than additive results. Five hours' cold treatment after gamma irradiation did not change the kinetics of DNA strand breaks rejoining.