Consistent data on terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP) are urgently needed to constrain model estimates of carbon fluxes and hence to refine our understanding of ecosystem responses to climate change. The NPP data have been collected in a coordinated manner for the past 30 years, but comprehensive summaries are rare. We report on the development and availability of a global NPP database that is suitable for modeling of the terrestrial carbon cycle at global and regional scales, for validation of remote sensing data, and for other applications. These data were obtained from the literature on ecophysiological field work and from detailed consultation with the scientific community. Data on NPP, biomass, and associated environmental variables are now publicly available for 53 detailed study sites, of which more than half have data for belowground biomass or biomass dynamics. Aboveground NPP ranges from 35 to 2320 g m–2a–1 (dry matter) and total NPP from 182 to 3538 g m–2a–1. Well-known but previously unobtainable compilations of data, such as the "Osnabrück Data Set" and the International Biological Program (IBP) Woodlands Data Set, are also incorporated in this database. Preliminary exploration of relationships between NPP and mean annual precipitation and temperature suggests that the new 53-site data collection, as well as the Osnabrück and IBP data, are all consistent with the historic "Miami" statistical model. These data are available from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center (ORNL DAAC) for biogeochemical dynamics (see http://www.daac.ornl.gov/NPP/).Key words: net primary productivity, grasslands, forests, biogeochemical dynamics, global carbon cycle, model validation.