Within the past few years the subject of ectopie ureteral openings has received a good deal of attention, as evidenced by the carefully prepared case reports and also by the extensive reviews of the literature. In this paper we make no attempt to review the literature further, as those interested may refer to the recent publications of Furniss,1Harpster and Deicher,2Herbst and Polkey,3Judd4and Kilbane.5We wish only to report an unusual type of this relatively rare condition. Kilbane has recently reviewed the literature, collecting ninety-eight case reports and adding two cases of his own. As a result of his analysis of the cases recorded in the literature, he has classified them in the following groups: Group I. Single ureter with ectopie opening. Group II. Complete unilateral duplication of pelvis and ureter with an ectopie opening of the supernumerary ureter. Group III. Complete unilateral