Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Scaphoid Fractures

The use of a 1.5 tesla superconducting M.R. imager and surface coil was found to enhance the ability of M.R.I, to depict the fine anatomy of the wrist. Five healthy volunteers and 28 patients with scaphoid fractures underwent M.R.I., which made possible a definitive diagnosis of scaphoid fractures at an early stage. A fresh fracture was identified by decreased or iso signal intensity on the T1-weighted image and increased signal intensity on the T2-weighted image. This increase continued until bony union was apparent on radiographs. On the T2-weighted image, high signal intensity was characteristic of fresh fractures and suggested that bony union was possible. When bony union was complete, the intensity of the signal for the scaphoid on both T1 and T2-weighted images returned to normal. M.R.I. should thus prove useful in the diagnosis of scaphoid fractures.