Social-Level Correlates of Shooting Gallery Attendance: A Focus on Networks and Norms

The purpose of this study was to examine the association between social network characteristics and peer norms related to sharing needles and shooting gallery use. Multivariate logistic regression modeling was used to identify factors that were independently associated with shooting gallery use among a sample of injection drug users recruited in Baltimore, Maryland. Of 842 study participants, 35% reported attending a shooting gallery in the past 6 months. Social networks of shooting gallery users were larger, had a greater number of injectors and crack smokers, were younger and less dense with fewer kin members compared to networks of non-gallery attenders. A greater proportion of those who used a gallery perceived that their peers shared needles and that peers would not disapprove if they used a dirty needle. Future research is needed to understand how social networks and peer norms are specific to behavioral settings and how this may impede adoption of preventive behaviors.