Polynucleotide conformation from flow dichroism studies

We demonstrate that the isotropic absorption and linear dichroism in an unknown flow field can be used to determine base tilt in polynucleotides if three transitions are measured and the directions of the corresponding dipoles are known. The method is applied here to reach conclusions about the base tilt in poly(rA), poly(rA)+·poly(rA), and poly(rC). The respective values are: 28° tilt about the axis + 50° toward C8 from the C1′ → N9, and 25° tilt about the axis + 118° toward C5 from C1′ → N1. The results for poly(rA)+·poly(rA) are consistent with the accepted model. Spectra were measured for poly(rC)+·poly(rC), but definite conclusions must await reliable directions for transition dipoles. The dipole direction for the 218‐nm transition in rC is found to be +13° or +43° toward C5 from C1′ → N1. The CD spectra to about 168 nm are presented and discussed.