Have Stent-Related Symptoms Anything to Do with Placement Technique?

Purpose: To determine whether incorrect placement of an indwelling stent plays any role in the causation of irritative voiding symptoms and loin pain. Patients and Methods: Sixty patients with ureteral calculous disease were prospectively requested to analyze the symptoms that they encountered 1 week after stent insertion via a questionnaire handed out at their discharge from the hospital. The answers were analyzed with reference to the intravenous urogram performed at presentation and the plain radiograph taken immediately after stent insertion. Results: Stents crossing the midline in the bladder and having incomplete loops at the lower end give rise to higher morbidity. Conclusion: The present series suggests that the position and completeness of the lower loop do influence symptom severity. Proper attention to detail whilst placing a stent should help reduce the incidence and severity of stent-related symptoms.