Electron field emission from phase pure nanotube films grown in a methane/hydrogen plasma

Phase pure nanotube films were grown on silicon substrates by a microwave plasma under conditions which normally are used for the growth of chemical vapor deposited diamond films. However, instead of using any pretreatment leading to diamond nucleation we deposited metal clusters on the silicon substrate. The resulting films contain only nanotubes and also onion-like structures. However, no other carbon allotropes like graphite or amorphous clustered material could be found. The nanotubes adhere very well to the substrates and do not need any further purification step. Electron field emission was observed at fields above 1.5 V/μm and we observed an emission site density up to 104/cm2 at 3 V/μm. Alternatively, we have grown nanotube films by the hot filament technique, which allows to uniformly cover a two inch wafer.