Substantial rise in sparteine metabolic ratio during haloperidol treatment.

A sparteine test was carried out in 14 patients suffering from acute schizophrenic psychoses before and 1-2 times during oral haloperidol treatment in doses of 10-40 mg day-1. In patients classified as extensive metabolisers (sparteine MR less than 20 before treatment), haloperidol treatment resulted in a rise in sparteine MR that correlated with the serum-haloperidol concentration both within and between patients. At the highest serum haloperidol concentrations (60- 80 nM) an increase in sparteine MR by a factor 15-50 was seen, but no patients were transformed into phenotypically poor metabolisers. The steady state concentration of haloperidol on the initial standard dose of 10 mg day-1 was the same in one patient classified as a sparteine poor metaboliser (MR = 112) as in eleven patients classified as extensive metabolisers (MR:0.22-1.47).