Quantum chemistry in Fock space. II. Effective Hamiltonians in Fock space

The concept of an effective Hamiltonian in Fock space is introduced. It is based on the division of the entire one-particle space into subspaces of ‘‘active’’ and ‘‘inactive’’ orbitals. The effective Fock space Hamiltonian has—for active model states—the same eigenvalues as the full Hamiltonian. The theory outlined in this context differs from that of paper I mainly in a different definition of the ‘‘diagonal part’’ of an operator, and in the fact that the ‘‘quasidegenerate case’’ applies throughout. The separation theorem, and as a consequence the connected diagram theorem, is shown to hold, in a more limited sense though, even for those normalizations where it did not in the context of universal wave and energy operators. Unlike in the theory of the ‘‘universal’’ operators of paper I the Fock space and n-particle Hilbert space approaches with analogous normalizations are no longer equivalent. In particular, the Primas normalization with a fully Lie-algebraic structure does not lead to a connected diagram expansion if it is formulated in n-particle Hilbert space, only so in a Fock space formulation. In n-particle Hilbert space with the present definition of the diagonal part of an operator the normalizations b (‘‘canonical’’) and c (‘‘Primas’’) happen to agree. As an alternative to the construction of the wave and energy operator W and L by perturbation theory the nonperturbative approach is presented as a generalization of the coupled-cluster method, in detail both in the intermediate and in the unitary normalization. In the unitary variant only a linear system for σ (the logarithm of the wave operator) has to be solved in order to get L correct through fifth order in perturbation theory with important contributions of higher orders included. A generalization of the Hartree–Fock method to Fock space theory is outlined, which guarantees stationarity of all (active) eigenstates with respect to one-particle transformations. A generalized electron pair theory is also defined. An analysis of the necessary computational steps shows that the nonperturbative approaches do not require significantly more computational effort than perturbation theory to the corresponding order. As a numerical example the H2 molecule in a small basis is discussed.