Spatial learning induces presynaptic structural remodeling in the hippocampal mossy fiber system of two rat strains

Hebb (1949) proposed that after learning both presynaptic and postsynaptic structural changes form the neural substrate oflong‐lasting memory. Despite this, there are few instances linking presynaptic remodeling with learning. Here the authors demonstrate in two different rat strains that learning the location of a hidden platform induces expansion of the presynaptic hippocampal mossy fiber terminal field (MFTF) from the stratum lucidum to the distal stratum oriens (dSO). Prior to any training, Long Evans rats (LER) showed an extensive endogenous MFTF innervation of DSO, in contrast to Wistar rats (WR) that showed minimal innervation. LER showed better recall than WR on the hidden platform water maze task and a visible reversal water maze task. In both strains, significant MFTF expansion to dSO, spanning approximately 200 μm, was detected 7 days after training on the hidden platform task, but only LER showed significant MFTF expansion 24 h after training. It is attractive to think that the MFTF expansion to dSO contributes both to long‐lasting memory formation and to facilitating spatial navigation strategies. The present results establish learning‐induced axonal remodeling of the hippocampal MF system in adult rats as an especially useful system for exploring presynaptic morphological adjustments consequent to learning.