Developing pit membranes of secondary xylem elements in Drimys winteri, Fagus sylvatica, Quercus robur, Sorbus aucuparia, Tilia vulgaris and Trochodendron aralioides have been examined by transmission electron microscopy. Absence of plasmodesmata from the membranes of vessel elements and tracheids indicates that their pits develop independently of these structures. On the other hand, plasmodesmata are abundant in pit membranes between fibres, parenchyma cells, and combinations of these cell types in Fagus, Quercus and Tilia. In each case the plasmodesmata pass right through the developing pit membrane. In the case of Sorbus fibres, however, plasmodesmata were absent from the majority of pit membrane profiles seen in sections. Occasionally they were observed in large numbers associated with a swollen region on one side of the pit membrane between fibres and between fibres and parenchyma, radiating from a small area of the middle lamella. In the case of fibre to parenchyma pitting, this swelling was always found on the fibre side of the membrane, while on the other side a small number of plasmodesmata were present completing communication with the parenchyma cytoplasm. These observations are discussed with regard to the role of plasmodesmata in pit formation, and in the differentiation of the various cell types in secondary xylem. The significance their distribution may have for our understanding of xylem evolution is also discussed.