Measurement of QED and Hyperfine Splitting in the2s1/2-2p3/2X-Ray Transition in Li-likeB209i80+

A measurement of the 2s1/22p3/2 x-ray transition in trapped Li-like Bi80+ ions was made that resolved the 0.820±0.026eV hyperfine splitting of the (1s22s)F=4,5 ground configuration, providing the first such measurement in a multielectron highly charged ion. The intensity ratio of the two components is shown to be a new electron density diagnostic. The statistically averaged 2788.139±0.039eV energy of the 2s1/22p3/2 transition provides the most accurate test of QED in a high- Z ion to date, demonstrating the need for including higher-order terms in the Lamb shift calculations.