Spectrum shape ofK-orbital shakeoff electrons and accompanying nuclear beta particles. II. Decay ofPm147

The composite K-orbital-shakeoff plus nuclear-electron spectrum was measured in coincidence with K x rays in the β emitter Pm147 (E0=227 keV) using the Argonne double-lens magnetic spectrometer and a Ge(Li) photon spectrometer. A bare NaI(Tl) scintillation electron detector allowed coincidence data to be recorded reliablydown to an electron energy of ∼5 keV. The measured spectrum showed prominently the expected intensity of Sm L-Auger lines at 5-6 keV following K x rays, and also the K internal conversion line of the 121.2 keV transition in Sm populated by the weak (5.7 ± 0.7 × 105; logft=10.5) inner β group of Pm147. Neither of these features was seen in earlier measurements. Corrections for the small contribution of the inner β group with its measured spectrum shape and intensity, and for the L-Auger peak were made. The resulting spectrum shape and the total K-ionization probability, PK=8.7±0.7×105, are both in good agreement with the K shakeoff theory of Law and Campbell, including a 9% contribution to the spectrum from K shakeup excitation. The spectrum shape agreement rejects a contribution to K ejection by the direct collision mechanism exceeding 60% of that due to shakeoff, compared with Feinberg's theoretical estimate of 21% and to earlier experimental indications. This latter evidence firmly rejects a recent proposal by Isozumi et al. which suggests a direct collision contribution equal to shakeoff to make up for their twofold lower shakeoff prediction.