Differential rearing experience, gender, and radial maze performance

Since both differential rearing and gender have been known to affect maze abilities, the present study examines the performance of male and female hooded rats raised from weaning in either a complex environment (EC) or isolated environment (IC) on the 17‐arm radial maze. In two separate replications, EC rats learned the maze more quickly and accurately than IC rats, as assessed by total errors, the number of correct choices to the first error, and the number correct in the first 17 choices. However, EC rats were more likely than IC rats to employ an adjacent‐arm strategy which may have contributed to their superior performance. There were no gender differences or environment by gender interaction effects on any measure of accuracy or adjacent arm strategy in either replication. It appears that the performance of both male and female rats on the 17‐arm radial maze is similarly influenced by the rearing environment.