Detailed vertical profiles from the Sargasso Sea show that several sterols, e.g. brassicasterol, appear to be produced and consumed in the upper 1,000 m of the water column. A few, e.g. cholesterol, were found in the entire 4,500‐m water column and may represent more resistant organic compounds.Several mechanisms may introduce sterols into the deep sea. Vertical fluxes of organic particles from the surface appear to control delivery of sterols to the middepth waters of the Sargasso Sea, However, some other process, e.g. physical transport (viz horizontal advection and diffusion), resuspension of sediments, or in situ deep water biological production and consumption controls deep water sterol distribution. Detailed profiles of ancillary data (e.g. POC, total particulate matter, and hydrography) must complement detailed profiles of specific organic compounds to identify the transport mechanisms to the deep sea.