Effects of voluntary exercise and genetic selection for high activity levels on HSP72 expression in house mice

We studied expression of heat shock protein 72 (HSP72) in female mice from four replicate lines that had been selectively bred for high voluntary wheel running (S) and from four random-bred control lines (C). Mice from generation 23 were sampled after 6 days of wheel access, and those from generation 14 were sampled after 8 wk of access to wheels either free to rotate or locked. Mice from S lines ran ∼2.6 times as many revolutions per day as did those from C lines. Western blotting of tissues from generation 23 mice indicated that S mice had elevated HSP72 expression in triceps surae muscle, but levels in spleen, kidney, heart, and lung were similar in S and C mice. HSP72 expression in triceps surae from generation 14 mice was measured by ELISA and analyzed with a two-way analysis of covariance. The interaction between wheel type and line type (S vs. C) was statistically significant, and subsequent analyses indicated that S mice had significantly elevated HSP72 expression only when housed with free wheels. Mice with the previously described mini-muscle phenotype (Houle-Leroy P, Guderley H, Swallow JG, and Garland T Jr. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 284: R433-R443, 2003) occurred in both generations and had elevated HSP72 expression in triceps surae. For the generation 23 sample, wheel running as a covariate had a significant negative association with HSP72 expression, and the effect of line type was still statistically significant. Therefore, the increased HSP72 expression of S mice is not a simple proximate effect of their increased wheel running.

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