The human C‐type lectin CLECSF8 is a novel monocyte/macrophage endocytic receptor

Cell surface lectin receptors play important roles in the function of macrophages. Herein, we have identified and characterized the human orthologue of the mouse Mcl/Clecsf8.Human CLECSF8 codes for a type II membrane glycoprotein of 215 amino acids that belongs to the human calcium‐dependent lectin family (C‐type lectin). The cytoplasmic tail of CLECSF8 lacks consensus signaling motifs and its extracellular region shows a single carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD). The CLECSF8 gene has been localized on the telomeric region of the NK gene complex on chromosome 12p13 close to MINCLE. CLECSF8 mRNA shows a monocyte/macrophage expression pattern. Biochemical analysis of CLECSF8 on transiently transfected cells showed a glycoprotein of 30 kDa. Cross‐linking of the receptor leads to a rapid internalization suggesting that CLECSF8 constitutes and endocytic receptor.See accompanying commentary