Simultaneous Detection and Deconvolution of Congested NMR Spectra Containing Three Isotopically Labeled Species

We present a procedure for isolating subspectra corresponding to individual protein or peptide components in a ternary mixture or complex. Each of the three-component species is labeled differently: species A uniformly with 15N, species B uniformly with 15N and 13C, and species C uniformly with 15N but selectively with 13C′ or 13Cα. By using the dual carbon label selective HSQC (DCLS-HSQC) pulse sequence and exploiting differences in 1J15N−13C coupling patterns to filter selected 15N resonances from detection during a constant time period, a subspectrum from each species can be generated from three spectra acquired from a single sample. Many important biological pathways involve dynamic interactions among members of multicomponent protein assemblies, and this approach offers a powerful way to monitor such processes.