Ovarian function in young women in long‐term remission after treatment for Hodgkin's disease stage I or II

Sixteen young women in long-term remission after 1st-line treatment for the early stages of Hodgkin''s disease were examined for ovarian function 48-125 mo. after termination of therapy. The patients had received mantle field irradiation, plus either irradiation of infradiaphragmatic lymph nodes or 6 cycles of MOPP [mechlorethanine, vincristine, prednisone, procarbazine]. Four patients showed signs of ovarian failure judged by menopausal symptoms, menstrual pattern and/or hormone values. Twelve patients had functioning ovaries; 8 of these had become pregnant after treatment, 2 had had an induced abortion, and 7 had given birth to a total of 9 healthy babies after treatment. The patients with signs of ovarian failure were older than the others, but the differences was not statistically signficiant. No difference between the patients who had received different treatments were established, nor does the study confirm the proposed protective effect of oral contraceptives. For women under 35 yr of age, the long-term chances of preserving ovarian function after standard treatment for the lower stages of Hodgkin''s disease seem to be much better than hitherto assumed.