A comparison of body and organ weights, physiologic parameters, and pathologic changes in target organs of rats given combinations of exercise, anabolic hormone, and protein supplementation

This study was engineered to closely mimic the training protocol of a competitive athlete using repetitive exer cise sessions, dietary protein supplementation, and anabolic steroids. The length of the study was 37 days. Thirty-four Sprague Dawley male rats Crl:CD(SD)BR in the weight range of 150 to 175 grams were used. These were randomly divided into four exercise groups, varying protein consumption and anabolic hormone administration. Eight nonexercised control rats were kept separate from the study to act as a comparison for organ weight, hematology, and serology. Exercise consisted of a 30 minute swim three times a week. Parameters recorded were total body weight and per cent gain, wet and dry muscle weight of the isolated anterior tibialis, weights of designated organs, hema tologic profiles, and serum chemistries including triglyc erides, high density and low density lipids. Histopathol ogy of known "target organs" was performed and bone marrow aspirates were taken. Body weights of rats given anabolic steroid, protein supplement, and exercise were the lowest of all groups. Testicular weight was significantly decreased in the anabolic groups. Anabolic groups had the lowest hem atocrits of the exercised groups. All serology values were within normal ranges and no pathologic changes were seen in any of the tissues taken from specific "target organs."