Microarray Analysis of Brassinosteroid-Regulated Genes in Arabidopsis

Brassinosteroids (BRs) are steroidal plant hormones that are essential for growth and development. Although insights into the functions of BRs have been provided by recent studies of biosynthesis and sensitivity mutants, the mode of action of BRs is poorly understood. With the use of DNA microarray analysis, we identified BR-regulated genes in the wild type (WT; Columbia) of Arabidopsis and in the BR-deficient mutant, det2. BR-regulated genes generally responded more potently in the det2 mutant than in the WT, and they showed only limited response in a BR-insensitive mutant, bri1. A small group of genes showed stronger responses in the WT than in the det2. Exposure of plants to brassinolide and brassinazole, which is a specific inhibitor of BR biosynthesis, elicited opposite effects on gene expression of the identified genes. The list of BR-regulated genes is constituted of transcription factor genes including the phytochrome-interacting factor 3, auxin-related genes, P450 genes, and genes implicated in cell elongation and cell wall organization. The results presented here provide comprehensive view of the physiological functions of BRs using BR-regulated genes as molecular markers. The list of BR-regulated genes will be useful in the characterization of new mutants and new growth-regulating compounds that are associated with BR function.