1. The present work was undertaken to study the metabolism in the dog after a ureter-intestinal transplantation. Four dogs, Nos. I, 2, 5, and 7, were originally operated upon. Two, Nos. 2 and 7, showed kidney infection; the other two were not infected, and in these the metabolism was studied; one of the latter (No. 1) showed marked hydronephrosis and hydroureter. 2. Both after the transplantation of the right ureter into the intestine and the ligation of the right ureter, there is generally a moderately increased output of nitrogen in the urine and, in the former instance especially, a retention of nitrogen in the blood, but no change in carbon dioxide content in the blood. The significance of this is probably an increased tissue catabolism, the cause of which is doubtful without further work. 3. After removal of the left kidney subsequent to transplantation of the right ureter into the duodenum, renal insufficiency and resulting retention developed. The non-protein and urea nitrogen in the blood steadily increased and the carbon dioxide content of the blood diminished to the level characteristic of a moderate acidosis. No ketones were found in the blood The dogs died 5 to 10 days after the nephrectomy under conditions characteristic of suspended renal activity—deep respiration, unconsciousness, and sopor.