On the vibrational T2 processes in partially ordered systems

The stretched (‘‘extended’’ or ‘‘fractional’’) exponential, exp{−(t/T)α}, where 0<α≤1 and T (ps) a time constant, is introduced as a modulation function for a vibrational T2 process in order to describe the non‐Markovian dynamics of the bath of amorphous systems in the picosecond domain. The theory simulates well published dephasing data of probe oscillators in concentrated aqueous solutions of KSCN, molten mixtures of Li and Rb nitrates, and of polycrystalline and smectic phases of the liquid crystal 4‐n‐octyloxy‐4’‐cyanobiphenyl. The temperature and phase dependence of dispersion parameter α follows an accepted model of constrained‐sequential relaxation with a scale‐invariant (‘‘fractal’’) distribution of relaxation times.