This is the first of a danned series of pauers on the taxonomy of the cocoons and puparia, cast larval skins, and other remains of parasitic Hymenoptera and Diptera that are found in or near the remains of parasitized hosts after the parasites have emerged. The study is based. at least initially, on the host species so that the keys and descriptions may be of use to those who work on the host species as such and who wish to name parasite remains they encounter. The parasites of Diprionidae will be dealt with first, because of the economic significance of these sawflies. The present paper deals with the known Canadian parasites of the European pine sawfly, Neodiprion sertifer (Geoff.), and includes descriptions of the structures that are of taxonomic significance and of the methods used in their study; these descriptions will be in general applicable to the species to be discussed in subsequent papers.

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