Interaction of above-Fermi-edge magnetoexciton states from different subbands in dense two-dimensional electron magnetoplasma

Photoluminescence spectra from δ-doped n-type Aly Ga1yAs/In1x GaxAs/GaAs quantum wells have been investigated in magnetic fields H≤14 T and T=1.8–18 K. The Fermi level of the quasi-two-dimensional electron gas EF was slightly below the second subband. Interband Landau-level (LL) transitions between the jeth electron LL (je=1,2) and the first hole LL, je 1h, were analyzed. Their intensity was found to increase anomalously when the transition energy intersected that of the magnetoexciton state involving the electron from the second subband, 0e2 0h. The intensity of the 0e2 0h line oscillated with magnetic field and its maxima coincided with the intersection between the 0e2 0h energy and either the je 0h or je 1h transitions or both of them, depending on the energy separation between EF and the second subband. Taking into account that the je 1h and 0e2 0h transitions involve no common particle, the anomalous behavior is explained by the interaction between two magnetoexciton states, 0e2 0h and je 1h.