In Vitro Behavior of Human Nonfertile Semen in Isoosmotic and Hyperosmotic Media

High-ionic-strength media are known to favor rapid capacitation and acrosome reaction of spermatozoa in vitro. The influence of isoosmolar (N-BWW) and hyperosmolar (H-BWW) media on the percent motility, forward progression, and zona-free hamster egg penetration has been investigated for 148 semen from patients consulting for male or idiopathic sterility. After 15 h of incubation, the hyperosmotic medium had no significant detrimental effect on the percent motility of spermatozoa, although the forward progression was better maintained in the isoosmolar medium. In general egg penetration was increased when spermatozoa were treated with the hypertonic medium, and in particular 5 patients whose semen showed no penetration when treated with N-BWW scored > 12% when treated with H-BWW. For the 23 subjects who had an IVF at the same period, a good agreement with zona-free egg penetration was found in 70% of the cases.