Glycoconjugates in normal human kidney

The avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex technique was used with 13 lectins to study the glycoconjugates of normal human renal tissue. The evaluated lectins included Triticum vulgaris (WGA), Concanavalin ensiformis (ConA), Phaseolus vulgaris leukoagglutinin and erythroagglutinin (PHA-L and PHA-E), Lens culinaris (LCA), Pisum sativum (PSA), Dolichos biflorus (DBA), Glycine max (SBA), Bandeiraea simplicifolia I (BSL-I), Ulex europaeus I (UEA-I) and Ricinus communis I (RCA-I). Characteristic and reproducible staining patterns were observed. WGA and ConA stained all tubules; PHA-L, PHA-E, LCA, PSA stained predominantly proximal tubules; DBA, SBA, PNA, SJA and BSL-I stained predominantly distal portions of nephrons. In glomeruli, WGA and PHA-L stained predominantly visceral epithelial cells; ConA stained predominantly basement membranes and UEA-I stained exclusively endothelial cells. UEA-I also stained endothelial cells of other blood vessels and medullary collecting ducts. Sialidase treatment before staining caused marked changes of the binding patterns of several lectins including a focal loss of glomerular and tubular staining by WGA; an acquired staining of endothelium by PNA and SBA; and of glomeruli by PNA, SBA, PHA-E, LCA, PSA and RCA-I. The known saccharide specificities and binding patterns of the lectins employed in this study allowed some conclusions about the nature and the distribution of the sugar residues in the oligosaccharide chains of renal glycoconjugates. The technique used in this report may be applicable to other studies such as evaluation of normal renal maturation, classification of renal cysts and pathogenesis of nephrotic syndrome. The observations herein reported may serve as a reference for these studies.