In vitro 17 [beta]-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity in testicular tissue from 7 men subjected to orchiectomy for prostatic carcinoma was measured by the conversion rate of andro-stenedione to testosterone. Prior to orchiectomy, 3 of the patients were untreated; 3 had received stilboestrol, 5 mg daily for one month; 1 had received stilboestrol, 2 mg daily for one month. There was evidence that stilboestrol in a dosage of 5 mg daily for one month prior to orchiectomy led to suppression of testosterone formation from androstenedione. 17 [beta]-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity could be demonstrated in small quantities of testicular homogenate, and thus offers an additional technique for assessing testicular androgenic function in man.