Use of Antipyrine in Nutritional and Meats Studies with Cattle

Holstein cattle were fed on low, medium, and high levels of TDN from the first week of age until slaughter at 16, 48, 64, and 80 weeks. The younger two slaughter groups were composed of heifers, the older two groups consisted of bulls. The percentage of total body water was calculated for 20 cattle by the antipyrine technique and also by analyzing all body tissues for moisture. The correlation coefficient of the comparison of the two methods was 0.939. These results indicate that the antipyrine technique can be used in nutritional and meats investigations for accurately estimating the total body water of cattle in vivo. The percentage of total body fat was calculated from the percentage of body water and was correlated with the intake of feed. Cattle consuming the higher levels of TDN had a higher dressing percentage. Age of cattle showed no significant influence on dressing percentage. Copyright © . .