Significance of algal extracellular products to bacteria in lakes and in cultures

In simulated diurnal experiments withChlorella pyrenoidosa andPseudomonas fluorescens, bacterial growth was virtually confined to the daylight period and occurred at the expense of glycolate, the predominant extracellular product of the alga. Both glycolate levels and14C-DOC excretion rates were much lower in mixed algal-bacterial than in axenicChlorella cultures. This close coupling of bacterial growth to algal photosynthesis and extracellular release was also observed in Jack's Lake, but not in Lake Erie. Experimental enrichment with lake water particulates >30μm suppressed the daytime growth of bacteria in Jack's Lake, but increased it dramatically in Lake Erie. Daylight doubling times for bacteria in lakewater ranged from 2 to 19 days. In mixed culture withChlorella, Pseudomonas had a doubling time of about 2 hours in the light.