Evidence for translational control of storage protein biosynthesis during embryogenesis ofAvena sativa L. (oat endosperm)

Oat polysomes direct the synthesisin vitro of a large number of products, the majority of which are the salt-soluble globulins (1,3,10,11,21). Total RNA or poly A+ RNA isolated from these polysomes directs the synthesis of the same number and types of products; however, the amount of globulins synthesized no longer represents the major products; rather, there is a decreased level of globulins and an increased amount of the other products synthesizedin vitro (6, 18). These results imply that the translational control can dictate final product levels. Reconstruction experiments using oat poly A+ mRNA and polysomal factors that are made free of endogenous RNA by nuclease digestion demonstrate that these factors do influence the translational specificity of oat globulin mRNA relative to other mRNAs. It is suggested that translational control is partially responsible for the levels of globulin in the mature grain.