Evidence from the use of monoclonal antibody probes for structural heterogeneity of the growth hormone receptor

We describe the use of four monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to the rabbit liver growth hormone (GH) receptor and one raised against purified rat liver GH receptor to characterize liver receptor subtypes which differ in their hormone-binding regions. The anti-(rat liver GH receptor) MAb both inhibited and precipitated rat and rabbit GH receptors, but only one-half of 125I-oGH (ovine GH) binding to liver microsomes could be inhibited by excess antibody. Conversely, only one-half of 125I-anti-(rat GH receptor) MAb binding was inhibited by excess oGH and Scatchard plots for this MAb exhibited two components. Although only 50% of 125I-oGH binding to membranes was inhibited by this MAb, all solubilized receptor could be immunoprecipitated. We postulate two epitopes for the anti-(rat GH receptor) MAb, one located at the hormone-binding site (inhibitory site) and one elsewhere (immunoprecipitating site). A second, rabbit-specific antibody (MAb 7) inhibited 85% of hormone binding but only 30% of 125I-anti-(rat GH receptor) MAb binding to rabbit liver microsomes. A combination of this MAb with the anti-(rat GH receptor) MAb totally inhibited 125I-oGH binding. MAb 7 alone totally inhibited 125I-rat GH binding to rabbit liver microsomes, as it did with 125I-oGH binding to purified receptor. On the basis of these results and others we postulate three types of GH receptor in rabbit liver membranes and ascribe approximate extents of 125I-oGH binding to each. A cytosolic ‘GH receptor’ which is not poly(ethylene glycol)-precipitable is shown to share five epitopes with ‘type 2’ microsomal receptors. Purified plasma membrane and endoplasmic reticulum fractions derived from a rabbit liver microsomal preparation have identical antigenic characteristics with respect to the GH-binding region, indicating that the heterogeneity we describe is not related to receptor processing. Of the three types of GH receptor in the plasma membrane of the rabbit (and possibly rat) we postulate that one (type 1) corresponds to the GH receptor involved in stimulating growth and possesses all of the epitopes studied here. A second (type 2) appears to be identical with the cytosolic ‘GH receptor’ and lacks the epitope for the anti-(rat GH receptor) MAb in the hormone binding site region. A third (type 3) does not possess the epitope for the inhibitory anti-(rabbit GH receptor) MAb, appears not to bind rat GH and is lost during purification. The availability of type-specific MAbs will facilitate assignment of specific functions to liver receptor subtypes which mediate the multiple functions of GH.