Absolute Chemiluminescent Reaction Rates for Emission of the O2 Herzberg Bands in Oxygen and Oxygen–Inert-Gas Afterglows

Chemiluminescent reaction rates for emission of the O2 Herzberg bands in the O2 and O2 + He or Ar afterglows have been measured in a discharge‐flow system. Absolute intensities were measured between 260.0 and 420.0 nm at 0.5‐nm resolution with a scanning spectrometer, and oxygen‐atom densities were determined by NO2 titration. Intensities were obtained as a function of atom density, O2 pressure, and partial pressures of added nonreactive gases. The integrated intensity of the Herzberg band system is proportional to [O]2 and independent of O2 pressure between 1 and 10 torr. The A 3Σu+ state of O2 is quenched by ground‐state O2, and the Herzberg bands are stronger in mixtures of O2 with He or Ar than in pure O2. The chemiluminescent reaction rate coefficient is 2.5 × 10−21 cm3/sec in O2 and is larger by about a factor of 10 in He or Ar. The vibrational population distribution is shifted to lower vibrational levels of O2(A 3Σu+) in the O2–inert‐gas mixtures than in pure O2.