A new functional form for representing vibrational eigenenergies of diatomic molecules. II. Application to H2 ground state

An expression previously proposed for representing vibrational eigenenergies Ev as a function of quantum number v is applied to the H2 ground electronic state. The expression is Ev=D−(vDv)m[L/N], where D is the dissociation limit energy, vD and m are parameters, and [L/N] is a rational fraction in (vDv). We integrate the vibrational Schrödinger equation to obtain 15 Born–Oppenheimer (BO) Ev with reduced mass μ0=918.048 electron masses, and 77 BO Ev with 25 μ0; error in Ev attributable to the potential is estimated to be 0.02 cm−1. The proposed functional form with a variety of [L/N] is fitted to the 14 BO μ0 first differences ΔE (v+1/2); with the exception of [4/0] all L+N=4 fits have an rms error in calculated ΔE of 0.02 cm−1. The proposed formula is then fitted to 15 BO differences including DE14. The error in calculated DE14 can be made negligible while the rms error in calculated energy differences remains 0.02 cm−1. Mass 25 μ0 is used to check applicability of the proposed functional form to a large number of levels; several fits yield all 76 ΔE with an rms error of only 0.04 cm−1. Finally, the proposed expression is applied to experimental vibrational energies. For these, better fits have an rms error of ∼0.07 cm−1, presumably due primarily to experimental errors.