In the case of small deviations from thermal equilibrium the second ENSKOG approximation is used as a starting point for solving the BOLTZMANN equation of the electrons in a partially ionized plasma. The distribution function is expanded according to LAGUERRE polynomials up to the order of 3. In this order the electrical conductivity of a LORENTZ gas, which is known exactly, is obtained to an accuracy of roughly 5%. The approximation tested in this way was then used to calculate the conductivity of an argon-potassium mixture at electron temperatures between 2000°K and 3500°K. If only he collisions between electrons and argon atoms were to be considered, the electrical conductivity in the absence of a magnetic field would, in view of the RAMSAUER effect, be greater by a factor of 2.8 than that obtained with an infinitely strong magnetic field. When the interaction with the potassium atoms and the COULOMB interaction are taken into account as well the conductivity in the magnetic field varies by about 20%.

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