Spins of Rubidium Isotopes of Masses 81, 82, 83, and 84

The nuclear spins of four neutron-deficient isotopes of rubidium have been determined by the atomic-beam magnetic-resonance method. The isotopes, with half-lives between 4.7 hours and 80 days, are produced in quantities of 1013 to 1014 atoms by alpha spallation reactions in the Berkeley 60-inch cyclotron. Detection of the beam is accomplished by allowing the neutral beam to fall on a sulfur surface at room temperature, then removing the surface from the apparatus and counting with low-background high-efficiency scintillation counters which accept K x-rays accompanying K capture and internal conversion. Since all four isotopes are made in one bombardment, the identification is important (and is the subject of a separate discussion). The experimental results are: Rb81, I=32; Rb82, I=5; Rb83, I=52; Rb84, I=2.