To determine the relationship between apparent pH of the wall solution and shoot segment elongation, curves for the initial growth rates as a function of pH of the external solution were determined for maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptiles and sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hypocotyls and used to predict apparent wall pH in segments responding to indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and fusicoccin (FC). When a solution having a pH predicted for walls of coleoptile segments responding to IAA was applied to the segments in the presence of IAA, this pH was not maintained. However, when the same was done for coleoptile segments responding to FC, the predicted pH was maintained in the external solution. Sunflower hypocotyl tissue did not maintain the external pH at the predicted value in the presence of either IAA or FC. The results indicate that wall loosening in coleoptiles caused by IAA may not be solely controlled by pH in the wall, yet growth (wall loosening) caused by FC apparently is directly related to wall pH. In sunflower the growth response to neither IAA nor FC appears to be directly correlated with wall pH.