Fine‐Grained Sediment Transport in Pawtuxet River, Rhode Island

A model has been developed to simulate the suspended transport of fine‐grained sediment, both cohesive and noncohesive, in the Pawtuxet River, Rhode Island. The model utilizes the results of extensive laboratory and field studies to specify the parameters governing deposition and resuspension processes. The SEDZL modeling framework, which accurately and realistically simulates cohesive resuspension and deposition, including the effects of flocculation, has been modified to include the simulation of noncohesive suspended transport. Several field studies were conducted during the spring of 1992 to collect bathymetric, stage‐height, suspended‐solids, and sediment‐bed data. The hydrodynamic and sediment transport models were calibrated and validated during a 33‐day period, which included two high‐flow events, each of which approximately correspond to the annual flood. The successful calibration exercise indicates that the model can be confidently used as a predictive tool.

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