Radioimmunoassay of vinblastine and vincristine.

1 The cytotoxic agent, vinblastine, was conjugated to albumin, using the Mannich reaction. Rabbits immunized with two conjugates, containing differing amounts of hapten, produce antibodies which bound [3H]‐ vinblastine. 2 Antisera from one rabbit cross‐reacted with both vinblastine and vincristine and were used to develop radioimmunoassays for measuring their concentration in plasma. 3 The antisera showed no cross‐reactivity with other alkaloids or cytotoxic drugs and provided assays sensitive to a concentration of 2.1 ng vinblastine or 3.8 ng vincristine/ml of plasma added direct to the assay tubes. 4 This is sufficiently sensitive to permit the measurement of plasma vinblastine levels for up to 24 h after the intravenous administration of 15 mg of the drug.

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