Visual function and patient satisfaction after macular hole surgery

Purpose Over recent years success in macular hole surgery has increased in terms of anatomical closure. However, debate still continues on the benefit to the patient in terms of visual outcome. We designed a prospective study to investigate the outcome of full thickness macular hole (FTMH) surgery in terms of anatomical closure, visual outcome, incidence of complications and patient satisfaction. Methods Thirty eyes of 30 consecutive patients with FTMH were prospectively studied (stage 2 = 2; stage 3 = 23; stage 4 = 5). All cases had surgery involving vitrectomy, injection of an autologous platelet aggregate over the hole and gas tamponade. At 3 months post-operatively all cases were assessed for closure of the FTMH, Snellen acuity and the incidence of complications. At this stage all patients completed a patient satisfaction questionnaire. Results Anatomical closure of the hole was achieved in 83% of cases (25/30). Visual improvement of 2 Snellen lines or more occurred in 50% of cases (15/30). A vision of 6/12 or better was achieved in 27% of cases (8/30). A post-operative lens opacity was present in 46% (13/28) of phakic patients and a temporal, peripheral wedge-shaped field defect occurred in 17% (5/30) of cases. In this study, 53%, 70%, 57% and 67% of patients gave a positive response to specific questions about satisfaction with near, intermediate and distance vision and overall visual function respectively. Conclusions Although the anatomical success of FTMH surgery is high the functional outcome in terms of Snellen acuity is less rewarding. Analysis of patient satisfaction suggests that the arbitrary visual outcome measures presently used may underestimate the functional benefit to the patient. Improved objective measures of visual outcome are required to assess the benefit of surgery in these cases.