An eye velocity storage mechanism has been postulated in the vestibulo-optokinetic system to account for the prolongation of vestibular nystagmus (VN) and the occurrence of optokinetic afternystagmus (OKAN). Presentation of a subject-stationary full-field surround during VN and OKAN (= full-field fixation) rapidly reduces activity related to eye velocity of the storage mechanism. If the subject-stationary full-field surround is presented for short periods during VN or OKAN, nystagmus resumes when the animal is again in darkness, but at a lesser velocity than would be predicted from a control response. This reduction in peak eye velocity after fixation reflects a decrease in activity of the storage mechanism due to full-field fixation. This decrease in activity occurs with a shorter time constant compared to that in control trials, it has been called “dumping”. We demonstrate that a subject-stationary small target light presented during VN or OKAN (= target fixation) also reduces activity of the storage mechanism with a time constant slightly greater than that for full-field fixation, but still considerably smaller than that in control trials. In 3 monkeys the time constant of discharge was reduced during the post-rotatory period from 20 s in control trials to 4.6 s by fixation of a single target light and to 2.9 s by fixation of a full-field. The time constant of discharge was reduced during OKAN from 13.2 s in control trials to 3.8 s by target fixation and to 2.6 s by full-field fixation. We report a second experimental paradigm with which the dynamics of visual-vestibular interaction involving the eye velocity storage mechanism is analysed by means of transient step responses. In this paradigm eye velocity due to activation of the storage mechanism (OKAN) is forced to reverse by a short exposure to a full-field moving in the opposite direction of the slow phases of nystagmus. Short periods of eye velocity reversal did not reduce activity of the storage mechanism more rapidly than fixation, i.e. suppression of eye velocity alone. Fixation of a full-field or of a single target light during vestibular or optokinetic stimulation reduces peak nystagmus velocity after stimulation when monkeys are in darkness. Suppression of OKN by target fixation during full-field stimulation reduces the initial eye velocity of OKAN to 15–20% compared to the OKAN velocity when OKN is allowed to occur. Fixation during vestibular or optokinetic stimulation obviously inhibits full activation of the eye velocity storage mechanism. The results are discussed in relation to current models of visual-vestibular interaction.