The 1959 paper "Hurricane Design Wave Practices" (ref. 1) has been widely used in the past for obtaining design wave criteria. Additional wave data and revisions in wave forecasting procedures, including computing techniques, ideas and experience, make it possible to bring these techniques up to date. This paper should be considered also as an extension of the paper "A Non- Dimensional Hurricane Wave Model" (ref. 2) as well as revisions to the 1959 paper (ref. 1). Graphs, formulae and procedures are presented making it possible to calculate the entire deep water wave fields from model hurricane wind fields. The revisions have been applied to the U.S. East and Gulf coasts past historical hurricanes and also to the U.S. Weather Service standard project and probable maximum hurricanes for deep water conditions. The results of these calculations are presented in figures and tables and can serve as inputs for particular locations to calculate design storm surge and design wave criteria over the continental shelf to the coast line, making use of the material in the references listed at the end of this paper.

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