Realtime Measurement of Stroke Volume -An Adaptive Monitoring System and Its Application - Echtzeitbestimmung des Schlagvolumens - Ein adaptives Monitoring- System und seine Anwendung im Bereich der Kreislaufforschung

A variety of monitoring systems is available for special fields of clinical application and scientific research. Whenever requirements change data acquisition and handling of signal analysis have to be adapted or even completely new structured, especially in real-time applications. This can be a time consuming procedure. In order to be able to focus on the development of algorithms without taking care how data are acquired a monitoring system has been developed which can be adjusted in terms of signal acquisition, analysis and user handling. New algorithms can be added and polygraphical presentation of results can be adjusted for special clinical requirements. As a specific application the online and real time calculation left ventricular ejection time (LVEJT), stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (CO), mean blood pressure and total peripheral resistance (TPRI) is presented.