Haematoxylin can be used successfully in the acetic squash technic if adequate mordanting is provided, (a) in the stain—composed of 4% haematoxylin and 1% iron alum in 45% acetic acid—and (b) in a step that combines additional fixation, mordanting and maceration in a 1:1 HCl-alcohol mixture, to which is added chrome alum, iron alum and iodic acid: 0.1 gm of each to 6 ml of HCl-alcohol. The material is usually given a preliminary fixation in 1:3 acetic alcohol, then macerated, fixed and mordanted in the acidified alum-HIO3 step for 10 min, transferred to Carney's fluid (6:3:1) for 10-20 min, squashed in a drop of stain and gently heated. In some species, the preliminary fixation may be omitted. The method yields intensely and selectively stained chromatin. To secure consistently good results, the stain can be diluted with 45% acetic acid, and the iodic acid omitted for some plant materials.