Measurement of excitation cross section of the 6 ^3P_1 state of Hg using self-calibrating apparatus
- 1 January 1979
- journal article
- Published by Optica Publishing Group in Journal of the Optical Society of America
- Vol. 69 (1) , 150-158
Optics InfoBase is the Optical Society's online library for flagship journals, partnered and copublished journals, and recent proceedings from OSA conferences.Keywords
This publication has 13 references indexed in Scilit:
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- Investigation of photon-photon angular correlations in atomic mercuryThe European Physical Journal A, 1970
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- Single photon coincidence method for the absolute measure of the efficiency of a 1216 Å detectorPhysics Letters, 1963
- New Absolute Manometer for Vapor Pressures in the Micron RangeReview of Scientific Instruments, 1955
- Reactions of Zirconium with Gases at Low PressureJournal of the Electrochemical Society, 1948
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- Die Anregungsfunktion der Quecksilberresonanzlinie 2537The European Physical Journal A, 1933
- On the excitation of polarised light by electron impact. II.—MercuryProceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical and Physical Character, 1927