The genetic map of the B system of cattle blood groups as observed in French breeds

Cases [40] of irregular inheritance of phenogroups in the B system of cattle blood groups that were presumed to have arisen from single crossing-over were used to establish a partial genetic map of this system. The relative positions in the map of several antigenic factors were inferred from relationships observed between particular phenogroups occurring in French breeds [i.e., Normande, Charolaise, Montbeliarde, Limousine, Blonde d''Aquitaine, Salers, and Holstein Friesian]. The tentative map obtained shows an overall similarity to that established by Ruiterkamp et al. (1977) in Dutch Friesian cattle. The hypothesis that the genetic structure of the B system of cattle blood groups is basically the same in all taurine breeds is supported. Evidence is given, for the 1st time, for the occurrence in the B system of genetic events other than single crossing-over (double crossing-over or gene conversion, and possibly deletion). The rate of recombination between the genetic determinants of the terminal factors of the system, Q and I'', was calculated in the progeny of some Normande bulls heterozygous for these 2 determinants (447 gametes); a value of 1.34 centimorgan was obtained. Complementary data indicated that 0.7 centimorgan would be a better estimate.

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