Sequences that comprise the 244-base-pair polyomavirus enhancer region are also required in cis for viral DNA replication (Tyndall et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 9:6231-6250, 1981). We have studied the relationship between the sequences that activate replication and those that enhance transcription in two ways. One approach, recently described by de Villiers et al. (Nature [London], 312:242-246, 1984), in which the polyomavirus enhancer region was replaced with other viral or cellular transcriptional enhancers suggested that an enhancer function is required for polyomavirus DNA replication. The other approach, described in this paper, was to analyze a series of deletion mutants that functionally dissect the enhancer region and enabled us to localize four sequence elements in this region that are involved in the activation of replication. These elements, which have little sequence homology, are functionally redundant. Element A (nucleotides 5108 through 5130) was synthesized as a 26-mer with XhoI sticky ends, and one or more copies were introduced into a plasmid containing the origin of replication, but lacking the enhancer region. Whereas one copy of the 26-mer activated replication only to 2 to 5% of the wild-type level, two copies inserted in either orientation completely restored replication. We found that multiple copies of the 26-mer were also active as a transcriptional enhancer by measuring the beta-globin mRNA levels expressed from a plasmid that contained either the polyomavirus enhancer or one or more copies of the 26-mer inserted in a site 3' to the beta-globin gene. We observed a correlation between the number of inserted 26-mers and the level of beta-globin RNA expression.