A Comparison of the 15-minute Continuous Thyroid Uptake Test with Other Radioiodine Tests

A 15-minute continuous thyroid uptake test was carried out in 96 cases. The technique is described in detail and results compared with the 2-hour and 24-hour uptake tests and the 0-24-hour urinary excretion test. In this series the first two tests had an error of 6 per cent in thyrotoxicosis, the third 10 per cent and the fourth was too inaccurate to be of value. The continuous thyroid uptake test is useful for distinguishing hyperthyroidism, particularly in those clinics where large numbers of cases are seen, and where speed is an advantage. For other thyroid diseases, and to assess thyroid function in other diseases the continuous thyroid uptake test has no advantage over the 2-hour and 24-hour uptake tests.