Estradiol-17.beta. and conjugated estrone, estradiol-17.beta. and estradiol-17.alpha. were measured in peripheral plasma of heifers treated with PMSG[pregnant mare''s serum gonadotropin]/PG[prostaglandin]F2.alpha. to induce superovulation. Changes in the concentration of each hormone were synchronous, the highest level being near estrus. For a given number of ovulations the hormone with the highest concentration was total estradiol-17.alpha. then came total estrone, total estradiol-17.beta. and estradiol-17.beta.. For each estrogen, the maximum preovulatory concentration measured was significantly correlated with the number of ovulations; the regression line for total estradiol-17.alpha. was twice as steep as that for estradiol-17.beta.. In animals treated to induce superovulation, assay of total estradiol-17.alpha. gives a better indication of the number of follicles induced to ovulate than does the more conventional assay of estradiol-17.beta.

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